Delivery of Artwork

Artwork can be sent by e-mail: (max. 20 Mb)

For larger format files use FTP You can also send a link. For example

We will help you with any questions!
Repro: tel. 050 3500 638

File format

Supported file formats are highres pdf, Artpro and Illustrator open files.

Excell, Word and PowerPoint are not suitable for printing.


Artwork Size

Artwork size should be 1:1 + 4mm bleeds.

The label edge must have a 1mm wide area, where can be no such text or elements, that cannot be cut away.

Mention label size using die line.

Mention all used colours also white, varnish and folio etc.

Max. colour amount is 8-10 depending on printing method. (varnish, white and folio are included to the colour amount)



The resolution of pictures should be 300dpi and as CMYK.

Use TIFF, JPG, PSD or EPS picture formats CMYK (FOGRA 39)

Do not use RGB pictures.

Link pictures to artwork (not embed).



Use Adobe Font Folio Open Type or Type 1 fonts.

If you use other fonts attach them with artwork.

You can also convert texts. Do not use TrueType -fonts.


Transfer of material

Send all data at same time.

Attach pictures.

Attach fonts.

Attach original artwork.

Attach viewing pdf.

Compress all elements to the same folder. (zip.)

Or send hi-res pdf.

Any questions?

Leave your contact information and our experts will contact you right away. Together we can come up with the most suitable printing solutions for you.